Juries play a key role in our accelerator program. Divided into key stages of the journey, they offer an objective assessment of participating teams’ projects.
At the end of the first phase of the acceleration program, the Regional Jury evaluates the documentation prepared by each team and the pitch of the twenty participating projects. It decides on the ten finalists admitted to the final stage of the program, who will participate in the Award Ceremony.
The National Jury is involved in the final phase of the program, to decree the ranking of the five winning projects. It is called upon to evaluate the documentation prepared by each team during the acceleration program and the pitch of the ten finalist projects, at the end of which each member of the Jury may ask questions, the answers to which are also subject to evaluation.
Are you able to set up a corporation in Ticino? Are you able to create job opportunities in Ticino in the coming years? Are you able to attract investments to the Canton? Are you able to develop your R&D in Ticino?
Does your idea address and solve a specific need and/or problem? Do you offer a reasonably adequate solution to it? Is the potential market large enough to create a viable business?
How do you earn money? Are your cash flows plausible? Can your cash flows become scalable so you can make a profit?
Do you have the essential skills to reach the next stage? Have you adequately assessed the essential skills needed to reach the next level?
Do you have a clear competitive advantage regarding your value proposition? Do you have a clear Intellectual Property strategy?
Are the contents and layouts appropriate? Are you ready to present yourself and your project in front of an audience of experts?
At the end of your journey you should be able to answer the following questions:
Special Audience Award
CHF 10’000.–
in cash
Boldbrain Startup Challenge
c/o Fondazione Agire
Via Cantonale 18
CH – 6928 Manno
+41 91 610 27 10
USI EMBA premia con una full scholarship del valore di CHF 56’000 il team vincitore.
L’USI Executive MBA è un programma internazionale avanzato di general management, erogato in modalità part-time, che consente di conseguire un titolo MBA senza abbandonare l’attività lavorativa. Per questo è una scelta vincente per aziende, manager e startup. La Faculty ha una significativa esperienza nelle più importanti Business School e svolge un ruolo attivo all’interno della business community internazionale attraverso ricerca e consulenza all’avanguardia. L’USI Executive MBA riflette la straordinarietà dei docenti: il programma si svolge a Lugano, location strategica, rappresentante dell’eccellenza accademica svizzera, e si arricchisce di un modulo di International Business a Dubai. La ridotta dimensione delle classi permette un insegnamento personalizzato di alto livello e rappresenta, per gli studenti, l’occasione di espandere il loro network sia a livello locale sia internazionale.
Bär & Karrer offre al team vincitore un pacchetto di 12 ore di consulenza legale del valore di CHF 5’000.
Bär & Karrer SA è uno dei principali studi legali svizzeri. Lo Studio conta oltre 170 avvocati presso gli uffici di Zurigo, Lugano, Ginevra e Zugo e offre consulenza legale in tutti gli ambiti del diritto svizzero sia a clienti aziendali che privati. Negli ultimi anni Bär & Karrer è stato piĂą volte premiato come “Studio legale dell’anno in Svizzera” dalle piĂą importanti agenzie internazionali. Unendo nella stessa struttura specialisti di numerosi settori del diritto, Bär & Karrer fornisce consulenza in modo efficiente in particolare su transazioni innovative e complesse. Grazie all’esperienza accumulata può assistere le startup e i suoi fondatori nei vari stadi di crescita, dalla costituzione, alle fasi di finanziamento, alla contrattualistica, senza tralasciare ambiti specifici come la proprietĂ intellettuale o l’assistenza in potenziali contenziosi.
 CONNECT Switzerland offre ai primi tre classificati una consulenza aziendale gratuita nella forma di buoni del valore di CHF 1’500 ciascuno.
CONNECT Switzerland Sagl è un’azienda di consulenza in gestione dell’innovazione che fa parte di una rete internazionale di acceleratori d’impresa e collabora con vari partners, tra cui manager di innovazione aziendale, venture capitalists (VCs), corporate VCs e business angels. CONNECT Switzerland supporta startup e piccole aziende in tutti gli aspetti legati alla commercializzazione: strategia aziendale e in tema di proprietà intellettuale, innovazione tecnologica, sviluppo di nuovi prodotti, sviluppo della clientela, marketing e preparazione per la presentazione a investitori.
Per sostenere gli innovatori nel miglior modo possibile, IPI garantisce ai dieci team finalisti, a determinate condizioni, una ricerca brevettuale assistita della durata di mezza giornata o altro servizio adeguato.
Hemargroup offre un premio speciale in ambito elettronico che consiste in 20 ore di consulenza (valore CHF 2’700) per un team meritevole. Il vincitore sarĂ la startup piĂą promettente tra i finalisti che maggiormente avrĂ bisogno di consigli e supporto in ambito elettronico in generale, partendo dall’ottimizzazione del design fino alla prima produzione in serie del prototipo.
Hemargroup, gruppo svizzero composto da Hemar AG (Argovia) e SEFA SA (Mendrisio), è attiva su suolo ticinese dal 1972. L’azienda sviluppa e produce ogni tipo di apparato elettronico, con focus particolare su prodotti industriali, consumer e IoT. Dall’idea al prototipo, fino al prodotto finito, con Hemargroup è possibile creare elettronica Swiss Made.
Fondazione Agire mette a disposizione di tre team, selezionati tra i dieci finalisti da un’apposita commissione e secondo specifici criteri, un desk per un anno presso il co-working del Tecnopolo Ticino, per un valore complessivo di CHF 7’560.
Fondazione Agire è l’agenzia per l’innovazione del Canton Ticino. Nasce nel 2011 con lo scopo di promuovere e diffondere l’innovazione e lo sviluppo tecnologico delle attivitĂ economiche esistenti o delle nuove startup, contribuendo ad incrementare la competitivitĂ regionale e a creare posti di lavoro altamente qualificati. Organizza, annualmente, in collaborazione con USI Startup Centre, l’acceleratore Boldbrain Startup Challenge.
La Swiss Startup Association offre 10 adesioni annuali Premium alle dieci startup finaliste e 10 adesioni annuali Basic alle restanti startup partecipanti, per un valore complessivo di 3’490 franchi svizzeri.
Con oltre 1’600 startup associate in tutta la Svizzera, la Swiss Startup Association mira a sostenere le startup in Ticino attraverso questa iniziativa. Fondata nel 2015, l’Associazione funge da organizzazione nazionale per le startup svizzere, sostenendo i loro interessi e favorendo il loro successo. Si adopera per creare un ambiente politico favorevole alle startup, offre eventi formativi e di networking e collabora con i partner per offrire vantaggi esclusivi alle startup.
USI EMBA awards a full scholarship worth CHF 56’000 to the winning team.
The USI Executive MBA is an advanced international general management program, delivered on a part-time basis, which allows students to earn an MBA degree without leaving the workforce. That is why it is a winning choice for companies, managers and startups. Faculty have significant experience in leading business schools and play an active role in the international business community through cutting-edge research and consulting. The USI Executive MBA reflects the extraordinary nature of the faculty: the program takes place in Lugano, a strategic location, representative of Swiss academic excellence, and is enriched with an International Business module in Dubai. The small class size allows for high-level personalized teaching and is, for students, an opportunity to expand their network both locally and internationally.
Bär & Karrer offers the winning team a 12-hour legal consulting package worth CHF 5’000.
Bär & Karrer AG is one of Switzerland’s leading law firms. The firm has more than 170 lawyers in offices in Zurich, Lugano, Geneva and Zug and offers legal advice in all areas of Swiss law to both corporate and private clients. In recent years, Bär & Karrer has been awarded “Law Firm of the Year in Switzerland” several times by leading international agencies. By uniting specialists from numerous areas of law in the same structure, Bär & Karrer efficiently advises particularly on innovative and complex transactions. Thanks to its accumulated experience, it can assist startups and its founders in the various stages of growth, from incorporation, to the financing stages, to contracting, without neglecting specific areas such as intellectual property or assistance in potential litigation.
CONNECT Switzerland offers free business consulting in the form of vouchers worth CHF 1’500 each to the top three winners.
CONNECT Switzerland Sagl is an innovation management consulting firm that is part of an international network of business accelerators and collaborates with various partners, including corporate innovation managers, venture capitalists (VCs), corporate VCs and business angels. CONNECT Switzerland supports startups and small companies in all aspects related to commercialization: business strategy and in intellectual property, technological innovation, new product development, customer development, marketing, and preparation for presentation to investors.
To support innovators in the best possible way IPI guarantees the ten finalist teams, under certain conditions, a half-day assisted patent search or other appropriate service.
Hemargroup offers a special prize in the electronics field consisting of 20 hours of consulting (value CHF 2’700) for a deserving team. The winner will be the most promising startup among the finalists who will most need advice and support in electronics in general, starting from design optimization to the first series production of the prototype.
Hemargroup, a Swiss group consisting of Hemar AG (Aargau) and SEFA SA (Mendrisio), has been active on Ticino soil since 1972. The company develops and manufactures all kinds of electronic devices, with special focus on industrial, consumer and IoT products. From idea to prototype to finished product, you can create Swiss Made electronics with Hemargroup.
Fondazione Agire provides three teams, selected among the ten finalists by a special commission and according to specific criteria, with a desk for one year at the Tecnopolo Ticino co-working space, worth a total of CHF 7’560.
Fondazione Agire is the innovation agency of the Canton of Ticino. It was established in 2011 with the aim of promoting and disseminating innovation and technological development of existing businesses or new startups, helping to increase regional competitiveness and create highly skilled jobs. It organizes, annually, in collaboration with USI Startup Centre, the Boldbrain Startup Challenge accelerator.
The Swiss Startup Association offers 10 annual Premium Memberships to the ten finalist startups and 10 annual Basic Memberships to the remaining participating startups, totaling CHF 3,490 in value.
With over 1,600 startup members across Switzerland, the Swiss Startup Association aims to support startups in Ticino through this initiative. Founded in 2015, the Association serves as the national umbrella organization for Swiss startups, advocating for their interests and empowering their success. It strives to create a favorable political environment for startups, provides educational and networking events, and collaborates with partners to offer exclusive benefits for startups.